Friday, March 16, 2007

Sports, Tourism, International Sports Competitions

(indoor and outdoor sports, skills and equipment needed, team and individual sports, professional sports, dangerous sports, benefits and drawbacks of playing sports)

1) Kinds of sports
• winter sports: skiing (cross country, downhill), snowboarding, ice hockey (Canada, Czech Republic), figure skating (krasobruslení), speed skating, sledging (sáňkování)
• water sports: swimming (free style, backstroke, crawl), windsurfing, surfing, deep sea diving, water skiing, rowing
• martial arts (action films, Ch. Norris): boxing, fencing (šerm), judo, karate, wrestling (řeckořímský zápas), aikido; body building (fitness centres)
• nature sports: fishing, rock climbing, hiking (GB), cycling, horse riding (GB), jogging (USA)
• light athletics: sprinting events, long distance running (E. Zatopek), hurdle racing (běh přes překážky), relay racing (štafetový běh), speed walking, jumping (height, length), throwing discs and spears (hod oštěpem) (J. Zelezny)
• team sports: football (GB), volleyball, basketball, tennis, rugby, baseball (USA), cricket