Saturday, March 31, 2007

historie sportu

Pohyb měl pro člověka původně mnohem větší význam. Plížení, ulovení kořisti, útěk před nepřítelem, stejně jako boj s protivníkem, to vše patřilo k podstatným schopnostem nutným k přežití. Běh, hod a skok jako součástí sportovních soutěží vyjadřují dodnes původní význam. Změna významu a funkce pohybu od pouhého opatření si potravy až k činnosti sportovní či umělecké je těsně spojena s vývojem člověka. Hravé učení pohybovým procesům pozorujeme i u zvířat, ale vývoj nových her, nových druhů sportu,odbourávání agresivních sklonů pomocí sportovního soupeření je projevem výkonnosti lidského rozumu.

Téměř všechny organismy, které nemají schopnost fotosyntézy jako zelené rostliny, mají schopnost pohybu. Pohybem se jednak přemisťují k novým zdrojům rostlinné potravy, jak je tomu například u býložravců, a jednak se jím přibližují k živé kořisti (masožravci).


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

But most sports and almost all games can be done both indoors and outdoors. Meetings in all track and field events (sprints, middle and long distance runs, high and long jump etc.) také place in summer stadiums as well as in athletic halls. Also one of the healthiest sports, swimming, and figure skating don’t actually demand a roofed room. One can easily recognize that those sports which can be done only on ice or snow (skating a skiing) are winter sports.
The games are usually all-season activities, and they are practiced both indoors and outdoors. The most numerous group of games are the ball games. Let us mention the individual games in the order in which they are popular in Great Britain, the United States, and the Czech Republic.
England was also the first home of many modern games, for example: football (in United States it’s named the soccer), rugby football, golf, cricket, tennis and squash. In the USA most sports are very popular, football, baseball, basketball and ice-hockey (it has its roots in Canada). These games are turned into big shows in which the sport stars make a lot of money. In our country ball games include football, volleyball, basketball, handball, and tennis. In the ice-hockey we are the champions. Our country has produced many sportsmen who are succeded in top international competitions. In the first place athletics (recently javelin and decathlon)have excelled abroad.
I don’t forget to mention the Olympic Games, which were already held in ancient Greece. The Olympics were renewed by Pierre Coubertin about a hundred years ago and today as well as in ancient times they také place every four years. Since 1924 there are two parts to the games – the winter part and the summer part – which alternate once every two years.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sports, Hiking

Tomáš Dvořák
Sports are one of the most popular leisure activities. This is mainly due to the fact that they help one to keep fit both physically and mentally. Such a form of relaxation as sports is refreshing, can help take off some weight, and makes use of one’s skills and strength. During sports events one can meet a lot of new people and see how it feels to be a winner or a loser.
Usually all sports and games are divided into two groups according to where they can be practiced. Indoor sports include for example gymnastics, table tennis, boxing, wrestling etc. On the other hand, among outdoor sports are skiing (down-hill, slalom, ski jump), sledding, hiking, rock climbing, horse riding, golf and some aquatic sports such as rowing or windsurfing. Non-professional cycling, or riding a (mountain) bike, which is one of the most popular activities, is also enjoyed out of doors (on the roads or paths).

Monday, March 26, 2007


1. Warum treibt man Sport?
2. Welche Sporteinrichtungen kann man für Sport nutzen?
3. Welche Sportarten haben Sie früher betrieben und mit welchem Erfolg?
4. Treiben Sie weniger Sport als früher? Warum?
5. Was machen Sie an Wochenenden, in den Ferien, im Winter?
6. Welche Sportarten gefallen Ihnen?

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Eine Woche

verbringe ich immer mit meinen Eltern bei der Bootswanderung . Jedes Jahr wählen wir uns einen anderen Fluss aus. Am besten hat mir die Moldau gefallen. Vor zwei Jahren machten wir eine Ausnahme . Wir fuhren ans Meer. Mein Vater ist ganz verrückt nach Surfen ['se:fen]. Das Surfbrett ist jedoch nichts für mich, weil ich Angst vor dem Surfen habe.
Ich fahre sehr gern zu meinem Großvater. Er wohnt auf dem Lande und hat zwei schöne Pferde. Er lässt mich auch reiten. Das ist ein tolles Erlebnis!
Wenn ich faul bin und keine Lust zum Sporttreiben habe, sitze ich zu Hause und sehe mir verschiedene Sportsendungen im Fernsehen an oder lese Sportzeitschriften.

Vom Frühling bis zum Herbst fahre ich Rad. Fahrräder sind zur Zeit „in” , aber das ist nicht der einzige Grund, warum ich mir ein neues Mountainbike['mauntinbk] wünsche. Man sieht die Gegend ganz anders, als wenn man im Auto sitzt oder zu Fuß geht.
In den Ferien reise ich gerne, schwimme im Teich oder gehe in unser Freibad . Fast jeden Abend fahren wir mit Freunden Skateboard ['ske:tbc:(r)d], spielen Federball , Tennis oder Fußtennis . Das geht einfach auf der Straße vor unserem Haus. Nur einige Nachbarn sind uns ein bisschen böse , weil wir den Ball oft aus ihrem Garten holen müssen.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Zur Zeit interessiere ich mich nicht mehr so viel für Sport. Einerseits habe ich weniger Freizeit, weil ich mehr lernen muss, anderseits habe ich noch viele andere Hobbys, mit denen ich mich gern beschäftige . Trotzdem kann ich sagen, dass ich ein großer Sportfan bin.
Jeden Tag stehe ich zehn Minuten früher auf und mache Frühsport . Abends spiele ich mit meinen Freunden Volleyball und danach gehen wir in die Sauna. Drei Monate ging ich zum Joga, aber ich denke, es ist nichts für mich.
Am Wochenende habe ich mehr Zeit. Im Winter laufe ich gern Ski. In der Umgebung unserer Stadt gibt es ein gutes Skigelände . Wenn es bei uns keinen Schnee gibt, fahre ich mit meinen Eltern ins Riesengebirge . Wenn mein kleiner Bruder mitfährt, muss ich dann mit ihm eine Weile rodeln . Sonst kaufe ich mir eine Dauerkarte für den Skilift und verbringe den ganzen Tag auf der Abfahrtspiste . Von klein auf laufe ich gern Schlittschuh . Am schönsten ist es natürlich auf dem Teich . Wenn es nicht genug friert, müssen wir ins Eisstadion gehen.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Als ich jünger war, widmete ich dem Sport meine ganze Freizeit. Ich kann ruhig sagen, Sport war für mich das Hobby Nummer eins. Ich versuchte, verschiedene Sportarten zu betreiben. Den größten Spaß machten mir Abfahrtslauf , Gymnastik, Schwimmen, Tennis und Volleyball ['vcli..., auch 'vcle...]. Ich wurde allmählich Mitglied einiger Sportklubs. Ich ging dreimal wöchentlich zum Training. An den Wochenenden nahm ich an verschiedenen Sportwettbewerben teil und war oft erfolgreich . In der Schublade liegen ein paar Gold- und Silbermedaillen, auf dem Regal stehen Vasen und Pokale , die ich als Preise erhalten habe. An den Wänden meines Zimmers hängen die wertvollsten Urkunden. Noch in der ersten Klasse am Gymnasium war ich überzeugt , dass Sport mein Beruf würde. Ich wollte an der Hochschule für Sport studieren und Trainer ['tre:ne(r), auch 'tre:...] werden.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


In den letzten Jahren wurde es fast zur Mode, Sport zu treiben oder mindestens sportlich auszusehen. In vielen Städten entstanden ganze Sport- und Erholungszentren . Es wurden neue Sportsäle , Sporthallen, Sport-, Tennis-, Minigolf- und Golfplätze, Eisstadien , Schwimmbäder, Schwimmhallen und vor allem zahlreiche Fitnesscentren mit Solarien, Saunas und auch Bowlingzentren ['bo:liŋ…] gebaut.
Warum treibt man eigentlich Sport? Sport ist ein gutes Hobby. Er bringt körperliche Erfrischung . Man kann sich bei der Bewegung gut entspannen und überschüssige Energie ausgeben. Sport hält fit und gesund, hilft uns ein paar Kilo abzunehmen . Beim Sport kann man neue Freunde kennen lernen, seine Eigenschaften (z. B. Willensstärke , Fleiß oder Ausdauer ) fördern. Man lernt, eine Niederlage hinzunehmen und ein guter Verlierer zu sein.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Physical education

at school two lessons of PE weekly
• get in our sport suit (T-shirt, shorts and running shoes), line up for the start of the class, one of us reports to the teacher that we are ready, than stretching, warming up
• athletics, ball games, table-tennis, fitness exercising
• good weather: go out to the stadium (playing football, practicing athletics)
• sporting days at stadium

4) Sports events
• the Olympic Games
o held every 4 years, summer and winter part
o named after city in Greece, where it took place in 776 B.C.; peace kept during the competitions
o restored in Athens, 1896
o managed by the International Olympic Committee
o symbol: five different coloured circles on a white background ( = 5 continents)
• tennis tournaments: Davis Cup, Wimbledon (GB)
• horse racing: Steeple-chase (Liverpool, GB), Great Pardubian Horse Racing
• the World and European Championships and Cups, in various sports

5) Me and sports
• summer sports
• winter sports

Sunday, March 18, 2007


• performed at specialized facilities: sports’ hall, tennis and golf courts, open air stadium, open air pool, swimming pool, gym, bowling alley, ski slopes, trails, playground
• various equipment: tennis rocket, ball, net, goal, golf ball, baseball, hockey stick, skates, protective clothing, skies
• sports in GB: archery (lukostřelba) (Robin Hood, practised at basic schools), horse racing, rowing, hiking (in GB typical to be a member of a club)
• games in GB (rules, more than 3 players): bowling (kuželky), darts (both women and men), cricket, golf, tennis, football, netball
• sports in USA: baseball (from Indians), soccer [sokr] (kopaná) (European rules), football (American rules – can touch the ball), rugby, basketball
• sports in Canada: ice hockey, winter sports (skating, skiing, sledging)
• description of volleyball: It consists of two teams each with six players. It is played on a field or a beach and you need a ball and a net. The object of the game is not to let the ball touch the ground on your side, but to attempt to make the ball hit the ground on your opponent’s side. The winner of the game is the team, which had the ball touch the ground the least amount of times on their side.
• sports on TV: CT2, Nova, Prima (football, ice hockey; sport news after main news), on satellite: DSF, Eurosport
• best known players: ice hockey (NHL: Elias, Jagr, Hasek, Dopita), tennis (Navratilova), skiing (Naumannova)

Friday, March 16, 2007

Sports, Tourism, International Sports Competitions

(indoor and outdoor sports, skills and equipment needed, team and individual sports, professional sports, dangerous sports, benefits and drawbacks of playing sports)

1) Kinds of sports
• winter sports: skiing (cross country, downhill), snowboarding, ice hockey (Canada, Czech Republic), figure skating (krasobruslení), speed skating, sledging (sáňkování)
• water sports: swimming (free style, backstroke, crawl), windsurfing, surfing, deep sea diving, water skiing, rowing
• martial arts (action films, Ch. Norris): boxing, fencing (šerm), judo, karate, wrestling (řeckořímský zápas), aikido; body building (fitness centres)
• nature sports: fishing, rock climbing, hiking (GB), cycling, horse riding (GB), jogging (USA)
• light athletics: sprinting events, long distance running (E. Zatopek), hurdle racing (běh přes překážky), relay racing (štafetový běh), speed walking, jumping (height, length), throwing discs and spears (hod oštěpem) (J. Zelezny)
• team sports: football (GB), volleyball, basketball, tennis, rugby, baseball (USA), cricket

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


aviation, flying létání
archery lukostřelba
athletics atletika
badminton badminton
ball throwing vrh koulí
baseball baseball
basketball košíková
billiards, snooker kulečník
bowling kuželky
boxing box
canoeing kanoistika
car racing formule
climbing horolezectví
competitive walking závodní chůze
croquet kroket
cross-country skiing přespolní lyžování
cycling cyklistika
darts šipky
diving potápění
down-hill skiing sjezd
fancy diving skoky do vody
fencing šerm
fishing, angling rybolov
floorball, florbal
football fotbal
gliding bezmotorové létání
golf golf
gymnastics gymnastika
handball házená
hand gliding létání na kluzáku
high jump skok vysoký
hiking pěší turistika
hockey hokej
horse riding jezdectví
chess šachy
javelin throw vrh oštěpem
judo judo
karate karate
long jump skok daleký
marathon maratón
motorcycling motocyklistika
mountaineering horolezectví
pole vault skok o tyči
powertraining posilování
relay race štafetový běh
roller-skating jízda na koleč. bruslích
rowing veslování
rugby ragby
scrambling motokros
shooting střelba
skating bruslení
skiing lyžování
ski-jump skoky na lyžích
slalom slalom
sledding sáňkování
soccer fotbal (v USA)
sprint sprint
squash squash
steeplechase překážkový běh
swimming plavání
table–tennis stolní tenis
tennis tenis
throwing the discus hod diskem
triple jump trojskok
volleyball voleybal
water polo vodní pólo
water skiing vodní lyžování
weight lifting vzpírání
windsurfing windsurfing
wrestling zápas


Tuesday, March 13, 2007


bat pálka
beam kladina
box švédská bedna
climbing ropes lana na šplhání
club pálka
cricket/baseball bat pálka na criket/baseball
croquet/polo mallet palice na kriket/pólo
dumb-bells činky
goal branka, brána; gól
golf club golfová hůl
hockey stick hokejka
hoop obruč
hurdles překá_ky
landing mat žíněnka
net síť
parallel bars bradla
racket raketa
relay štafetový kolík
rings kruhy
seats lavičky
skipping-rope švihadlo
spikes tertry
starting block startovní blok
stopwatch stopky
vaulting horse kůň (nářadí)
wall bars žebřiny


Monday, March 12, 2007


strength síla
stamina vytrvalost
vitality vitalita, životní síla
health zdraví
referee rozhodčí
runner, sprinter běžec
athlete atlet
lifeguard plavčík
track dráha
start line startovní čára
medal medajle
ski slope lyžařský svah
swimming pool bazén
athletics track ateltická dráha
boxing ring boxerský ring
skating rink kluziště
tennis court tenisový kurt
golf course golfová dráha
football pitch fotbalové hřiště
stadium stadión


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Is it important to win?

In generally it isn’t important to win. It’s important to take part in. I don’t do sport to beat someone I do it because it’s fun, because I like it, to relax, forgot about everything. But it’s great to win. You know that you are good at it and that you are better than someone else ant it gives you self-confidence. I often lose but I don’t mind it because I know that someone is better than me and I can learn from him. For someone is very important to win so he use steroids to insure himself. There was for example big affair with Petr Korda last year.

My attitude to sports

I like doing sport. I used to play tennis for ten years but I stopped doing this, because it was more and more expensive. Now I play table tennis, volleyball, and basketball. I like florball very much but I have nowhere to do that. Last year I start doing roller-skating. I’d like to improve in it. There is not enough equipment in Hlučín. But in Ostrava there is very good skate park with special equipment like funbox, radius, U-ramp etc. Someone can found in boring but I like doing and inventing new figures which are more difficult and sometimes more dangerous. I’d like to try squash as well. When I have lots of money I will try bungee-jumping. It must be exciting. Or I’ll try paraschoting, it must be greatfull to fall down through air. I also like swimming. I can swim for a long time but I am not very fast. I do cycling very often. I like cycling to far distances. In winter I play ice hockey. I don’t know why but I hate football. It’s an only one sport I really don’t like. It’s maybe because when I was smaller everybody used to play football but I used to play tennis.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Sport as a profession

- it is very hard work, you have to be very good at it if you want to be famous
- you can earn a lot of money and meet famous people
- but it could be very dangerous for your body. Some kinds of sports – athletics, are very dangerous for your muscles – you can stretch your muscles, and your joins very suffer
- there is a big danger of anabolic steroids (synthetic hormone) – if you take it, it destroys your body very much
- you have to be very careful of every kinds of injuries, because it could be the end of you carrier
- if you are top sportsman, you have to keep very strictly rules and your private life is under the control, too
- you must know the rules and respect them
- must have a good equipment and trainer

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The effect on a nation of sporting success

I think that nearly everybody is very happy, people celebrate, they realise that they are Czech – they are proud of this country, it can join people who don’t like each other together. The country became known all over the world. (the Winter Olympic Games in Nagano, Jan Želazný – throwing the javelin, Jana Novotná, Petr Korda, Ivan Lendl)...

Sport as a hobby
- sport could be very funny and what is very important, nearly everybody can do some sport activity
- sport keeps us healthy not only physical, but psychical, too
- we can do sport with our friends, or meet a lot of new interesting people
- sport teaches us, how to improve our condition and some kinds of sports could us teach how to be more responsible and fair
- but you must be careful and don’t overestimate your power

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Sport at school/clubs

- at school we have our physical training lessons two times a week
- we exercise in the sport hall (gymnastic) and in the summer out (athletics)
- we practise gym and sometimes we play volleyball or other games – we have a few competitions between classes
- you can improve yourself, because at school you don’t have time for it and not everybody like the sport that you like
- there is a lot of fun there, you might achieve some success there

Monday, March 05, 2007

Important sport events

The Olympic Games
- are the most famous sport event in the world
- people represent their own country, more than 30 sport events
- they are held every four years, they have their summer and winter parts which change once every two years
- the first Olympic Games took place in Olympia, Greece in the year 776 B.C., there exist many legends – the story of the marathon (in 490 a Greek runner ran about 42 km. from Marathon to Athens; he was bringing news of the Battle of Athens; but he ran too tar, too fast; he died from exhaustion)
- symbol of the Games is The Olympic Flag – there are five connected circles, each symbolised one continent (blue – Europe, black – Africa, red – America, yellow – Asia, green – Australia); and The Olympic Fire – it is traditionally lighted in Greek Olympia and moved to the city in which the Games are taking place, it burns during the OG
Other Events
Wimbledon – the most famous tennis tournament in the world, Czech republic belong to the first class, it takes place in GB
World Championships in F1, hockey, football, World Cups...


Sunday, March 04, 2007

Rules and equipment

When you want to do some sport you firstly need to know the rules. If don’t know it you may be sent off the play or you don’t achieve the best results (score) you could. You nearly always need some equipment for doing it. For instance when you play golf you has to have lot of equipment – different kinds of sticks, balls, special trolley. For some sports you don’t need nearly anything, just your body (volleyball – only good shoes and kneecap).
- is a team sport that you can play both outside and inside
- it is played on a volleyball court of size 9 by 18 metres, there is a net across the court, which is in a height of 2,43m
- you play with a white ball (now it also can be coloured)
- the team consists of six players (2 of them are smash-men, 2 of them make a blockade, 2 of them pass the ball to smash-men who should score)
- it is important to make the ball touch the rival’s side of the court – it make a point for you; it is played till one team reaches 25 points – it means that they win a set, when you win two sets you also win the match

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Typical sports for

Great Britain
- Many sports have their origins in Britain that is why Britain is sometimes called the cradle of sports
- Cricket – real English game, it has never spread in foreign countries, it is intensively played only in the UK, Australia and some other Commonwealth countries; it is played on a cricket field of approximately size of two pitches, two teams of 11 members, they use cricket-bat and a small leather-ball.
- Golf – has its origins in Scotland
- Football – the most popular game in Britain;
- Tennis, Squash
- They don’t play volleyball at all

- Baseball, Rugby, Basketball, Motor racing, Ice-hockey (Canada)...

The Czech Republic
- Football, Ice-hockey, Tennis, Volleyball...

Thursday, March 01, 2007


A scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly
And is also known as a buster
Always talkin' about what he wants
And just sits on his broke ass

No, I don't want your number
No, I don't wanna give you mine and
No, I don't wanna meet you nowhere
No, don't want none of your time

And no, I don't want no scrub
A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me
Hanging out the passenger side
Of his best-friend's ride
Trying to holler at me
I don't want no scrub
A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me
Hanging out the passenger side
Of his best-friend's ride
Trying to holler at me

A scrub's checkin' me
But his game's kinda weak
And I know that he cannot approach me
'Cause I'm lookin' like class
And he's lookin' like trash
Can't get with a deadbeat ass

No, I don't want your number
No, I don't wanna give you mine and
No, I don't wanna meet you nowhere
No, I don't want none of your time

No, I don't want no scrub
A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me
Hanging out the passenger side
Of his best-friend's ride
Trying to holler at me
I don't want no scrub
A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me
Hanging out the passenger side
Of his best-friend's ride
Trying to holler at me
If you have a car
And you're walkin'
Oh yes son
I'm talking to you
You live at home wit' your mama
Oh yes son
I'm talking to you
If you have a shorty
But you don't show love
Oh yes son
I'm talking to you
you wanna get with me with no money
Oh no
I don't want no..

No scrub..No scrub
(No no)
No scrub..(No, no no no)
No scrub..
No, no.

(Repeat 4x's)
No, I don't want no scrub
A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me
Hanging out the passenger side
Of his best-friend's ride
Trying to holler at me
I don't want no scrub
A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me
Hanging out the passenger side
Of his best-friend's ride
Trying to holler at me