Thursday, August 31, 2006

Prostředky stimulační

Tělesná cvičení (co se neudělá, to nefunguje)
- a) cvičení všeobecně rozvíjející (zaměřena na všeobecný rozvoj pohybových schopností. Používat u mládeže k rozvíjení pestrosti stimulačních podnětů. Organismus si vytvoří max. informací, jak reagovat a co očekávat)
- b) speciální (používáme k rozvoji vybraných schopností, těch které chceme připravit pro sportovní výkon. Např. hry s míčem – volejbal)
- c) aktivní regenerace (vyklusání, vyplavání)
- d) cvičení závodní nebo soutěžní (vybíráme takový typ cvičení, který má co nejblíže k soutěži)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

- izometrická (v praxi se moc nepoužívá)
- intermediární (střídaní v izometrického a izotonického režimu)
- brzdivá (odpor je víc než 100%, síla se nezvedá, ale pouští dolů)
- izokinetická (pomocí trenažérů, lze naprogramovat odpor, po celou dobu pohybu je odpor stejný. Práce s břemenem – přesun je plynulý)
- plyometrická (využití kinetické energie pádu a následující izokinetická práce výskoku. Dá se podložka, která je vyšší než výška odrazu. Cvičenec se odráží a využívá dynamiku pádu a odrazu.)
- kruhová (silově vytrvalostní – klasická překážková dráha. Tyto dráhy se dají použít k jinému zaměření. Záleží na náplni, intervalech, zařazení cviků za sebou)
- elektrostimulace

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

v praxi:

překonávání velkého vnějšího odporu
- překonáváním nemaximálního odporu vysokou rychlostí pohybu
- velký počet opakování pohybu s nemaximální rychlostí a nemaximálním břemenem (viz. Tab. Vztah hmotnosti břemene a počtu opakování)

Metody pro rozvoj síly:
- metoda maximálních úsilí (těžko atletická, pro vzpěrače, vydat maximální silu, tzv. krátkodobé úsilí, nepoužívá se u začátečníků)
- opakovaných úsilí (kulturistická, submaximální odpor, čili menší. Lze rozdělit na metodu pyramidovou či jiné kombinace)
- rychlostní (vysoká rychlost provedení, nemělo by být více než 6 až 12 opakování)
- kontrastní (dojde se k určitému prahu a nejsme schopni překonat určitý strop v síle či provedení. Používá se úspěšně.)

Monday, August 28, 2006

Manipulace se zatížením:

snaha získat co největší positivní adaptační změny (nejde o to někoho odrovnat, poté odchází klouby a šlachy
- optimální aktivace energetického systému (vytvoření záloh, viz. Fyziologie sportovního tréninku)

2. Rozvoj speciálních poh. schopností

Silové schopnosti
- síla je schopnost překonávat nebo udržovat vnější odpor svalovou kontrakcí
- síla statická (držet nad hlavou, nic nedělat, pouze držet. Např. přetlačování)
- síla dynamická : síla výbušná, …

Stimulace svalového napětí:
- stimulace břemenem (různá hmotnost a rychlost přemisťování)
- stimulace kinetickou energií břemene (hmotnost a výška pádu)
- stimulace převážně volním úsilím (bez klasického břemene)
- stimulace elektrickým proudem

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Ways of keeping fit

There are many ways how to keep fit, But in order to achieve being fit you have to follow all of them.
You have to adjust {přizpůsobit } your eating habits to thse basic rules. Your food must have equilibrium of all important features : sacharides, fats, proteins and vitamines.
It means you should eat also much vegetables, which contain most vitamines.
You should drink at least two liters a day. Many doctors recommend to drink one glass of
red wine to improve condition of your blood. It is also important to eat regulary.

Friday, August 25, 2006

But nowadays

we have also many uncurable diseases and illnesses.They are f.e. caused by virus HIV or some kinds of cancer in advanced stage. It is also truth, that many dangerous diseases which made many problems in the past do not exist in civilisated world { f.e. plaque-mor etc.}.
People usually suffer also from many aches, like headache, backache, and so on. These are some of diseases, which can be caused by stress or other psychical causes.
Against all these serious or less serious diseases we can fight by many ways : by healthy lifestyle or by prevention or by medicine. All of these ways are available for us and it is only up to us whether to live according to it or not.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Health & diseases

Good health is one of the most important things in our life. Already in ancient Egypt there was very high standard of doctors.They made f.e. brain operations and many other operations.
People always suffered from many deseases and illnesses, which were very serious in the past,are for us banal problems {f.e. quinsy-angína, influenza-chřipka, …}. It is particulary thanks to success in medical researches and invention of new medicines like antibiotics.It is supported also by modern hospital eguipment and better conditions for cure at all.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The best matches

can be seen at Wembley Stadium. Typical Czech sports
I am always very surprised how many champions were born in such a small country as the Czech Rep. is. Czech sportsmen are usually good at hockey, football , tennis etc. I think, that hockey is the Czech national sport because of the success of Czech hockey team during the Olympic games in Nagano. Football is traditionally popular here. There are two strong teams competing with each other here. Their names are Sparta and Slavie and the most of the fans are divided between these two clubs.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

To my mind it is similar to football. I do not like rugby because for me it is an aggressive sport. Tennis is also connected with Britain. There were first written rules for tennis in Britain {in 1875}. Till today the most popular matches are at Wimbledon Stadium. I have heard that snooker is also very popular in Britain. But at present the most actual sport is football. I would not be afraid to say, thatfootball is Britain's national sport. There are many football teams in Britain. But only the best 22 teams are allowed to play in Premier League. I know only a part of the British best football teams {for instance : Liverpool, Manchester United, Chelsea,Celtic, Rangers etc.}.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Kondiční příprava :

1. Rozvoj pohybových schopností (síla, vytrvalost, obratnost, rychlost. Aby byl organismus vytrvalejší, používáme adaptační podnět, což je druh cviku. Nutit např. sval, aby vyvinul rychlost. Adaptační podnět musí k něčemu směřovat. )
Druh podnětu, síla a doba trvaní a frekvence opakování –
Princip zatěžování:
- jednota všestrannosti a specializace (bez všestranného základu nelze ve specializaci dosáhnout úspěchu)
- systematičnost (náhodné zatížení je bezfunkční, nese s sebou úrazy)
- postupně se zvyšující zatížení (organismus musí být připraven na postupné zatížení. Nemá smysl zatížit moc ji od počátku. Např. dřepy: nutné posílit a protáhnout celé nohy včetně achilovek a harmstringů…)
- cykličnost (jedná se o vlastní plánování)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Typical English sports

The English are known as conservative and reserved people but from the other side they are very interested in many kinds of sports.Englishmen like especially traditional sports of British origin.For example golf,which was played in Scotland for the first time and it is still very popular.Other typical English game is cricket, which could be mistaken with crocket, but these games are totally different.
I suppose that cricket could be compared with baseball or something like it. Another traditional English sport is rugby.

Friday, August 18, 2006


was invented in the middle of the 18th century and since that time the rules of this game remained nearly unchanged. Baseball is played at large stadiums. There is no time limit, and may be it is one of the reasons of its popularity. High schools and colleges have their own baseball teams. Most of the cities have at least one professional baseball team.
There are many beautiful winter sport centres in the U.SA. The typical winter sports, such as skiing, skating and, more recently, snow-boarding arc very popular.
Tennis and squash are leading summer sports in the U.S.A. Squash is a game for two or four players played in a four-walled court with a special racket and a soft ball. There are also a great number of specific water sports, such as yachting, wind-surfing, wave-gliding which are loved by many young people.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Greyhound Racing

After the World War II greyhound racing enjoyed a boom, but interest has steadily declined. There is a greyhound track in most towns on which races are held every Saturday afternoon and on several evenings in a week. The dogs race round a track in pursuit of an electric "hare", which is really a trolley carrying a piece of meat. Along with horse racing, dog racing provides a means for betting.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


and Windsurfing is one of the newest and most exciting of the windsports. The windsurfer steers the 3.66 metre surfboard by holding onto the pole and leaning out against the force of the wind in the sail. It is a fast sport.

Monday, August 14, 2006


is played in the open in the summer on beautifully kept bowling .greens with big black wooden balls. The aim is to get the ball as near as possible to a little white ball (the "jack") placed about the length of a cricket pitch away from them. The art of the game consists in taking into account the fact that the ball being bowled ("the wood") is not properly balanced — it has a "bias". This ancient game is played mainly by middle-aged people, often in municipal parks.
A number of cinemas have been turned into bowling alleys providing entertainment for the whole family in the winter months.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Horse racing

is one of the chief spectator sports in England. There are two forms of horse racing — flat racing (from late March to early November) and steeplechasing and hurdle racing (from August to June).
The Derby is the leading English flat race (no jumps). It takes place at Epsom, near London.
The Ascot Races are held in June at Ascot, six miles from Windsor. The meeting is noted for its fashions, particularly women's hats.

Friday, August 11, 2006


is one of the favourite individual games. Tennis can be played on a grass court or a hard court. It is played at school during the games' lesson in summer usually by girls, but now also by boys as well. Some employees enjoy a quick game during the lunch-hour break. The Open Lawn Tennis Championships are held annually in July at Wimbledon, in London. The championships are watched by thousands of spectators and TV viewers all over the country. Most tennis players regard the Wimbledon tourna¬ment (competition) as the world championship. In tennis, as in other cases, the amateur sport has given way to profes¬sionalism, and the best tennis players in the world are those who make it their livelihood.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


has always been a popular sport in Scotland. The earliest reference to golf is a Scottish law forbidding it in 1457; until the nineteenth century, it was almost exclusively a Scottish game. It is often called the "Royal and Ancient game" and the R and A rules have long been accepted internationally., which comes from Scotland, is a very popular game with the people of all ages. Britain has many beautiful golf-courses. Golf is played by two, three or more persons. The player tries to hit the ball with a club into each hole in as few strokes as possible. The winner is the player who can go round the golf - course in the lowest number of strokes.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


is an old game. It started in the 18th century at Rugby School, the fa¬mous English Public School. Rugby is played with an oval ball, and hands and feet can be used. Rugby is certainly a much rougher game than soccer. Nowadays rugby is more than just a different way of playing football.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


is considered to be the most typically English. This game has its roots in England and has never become popular beyond the British Common¬wealth. It is a difficult game for foreigners to understand. Cricket grew up in South England and by the mid 18th century, the Hambledon (Hampshire) Club was famous. Laws of cricket existed by 1744. Cricket is called the English "national" game and is the usual summer game for schoolboys. It is the game associated with England, yet even in England cricket is losing its popularity.

Monday, August 07, 2006


(popularly called "soccer") is one of the most popular spectator sports in Britain and a favourite sport for many schoolboys. Football dates back to the nineteenth century when the first clubs were formed. Football in Britain is a winter game. The Cup Final is the most important football match of the year in England. It is played at Wimble Stadium near London, which has the seats for 100,000 spectators.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sports and Games in Great Britain

The British are sport-loving people. Every Englishman, Scotsman, Irishman and Welshman is said to be interested in at least one sport or game. Some of the sports such as football, rugby, golf, tennis and table tennis originated in Britain and spread all over the world from there.
Many people take part in active recreation such as climbing, rambling, riding, boating, angling and other water based sports, keep-fit classes, and movement and dance activities. Indoor sports like darts1, billiards and badminton also enjoy popularity.

For some people is sport a job. The dream of every sportsmen or sportswomen is get into a Olympic games. It is the most important thing in sport life. We know winter and summer Olympic games. At first they were held in ancient Greese. In that time people had to stop fighting. There must be only all-round developed man. It has called calocagathy. In 1980 Pierre de Coubertion had to establish new Olympic games. They held every four years. Now people all over the world delight to every start of Olympic games. Because there sportsmen and sportswomen are breaking theirs personal records. They are breaking themselves.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Sports in Slovakia, Great Britain, the U.S.A.

Sport is an activity. Sport helps you to keep fit and lose weight. It is the most popular hobby on the world. The best thing on the sport is motion, you´re doing something for your health. Not in vain is speaking: „Sport to health.“I don´t know what is the worst thing on the sport. For some people it is perspiration. But not for all people. For other people it is signal that they do something good for them. They are a many kind of sport. For example collective and individual sports, outdoors and indoors sports, winter and summer sports. We know also a group of exclusive sports which are practised as hobbies by limited number of people. For example: hot-air balloning.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sportu zdar!

(Jarek Nohavica)

Ami C
V neděli v pět deset, sraz u Baníku,
G7 Ami E7
desítka vleze se, pak ještě jedna,
Ami C
co čumíš, frajere, chceš do ciferníku,
G7 Ami E7
jestli mě dožereš, hele, jsem bedna!
F Ami
Tribuna na stání, necpi se, vřede,
Dmi Ami E7
hadráři-Sparťani, Ostrava, jedem!
Ami Dmi
Už to má správný var, jen počkej, až tě ...
E7 Ami
Dobrý den, sportu zdar, fotbalu zvláště!

Tři nula na rohy a jinak šul-nul,
berte je přes nohy, liga je liga,
dnes jsem měl odpolední, tak jsem to bulnul,
zacláníš, chlape, sedni, navalte cíga!
Zelená je tráva, rozhodčí, nekřepči!
Ostrava, jedem, Ostrava, Lička je nejlepší!
Pětku mě lístek stál, tak se ukažte!
Dobrý den, sportu zdar, fotbalu zvláště!

Lumpové, hovada, Chovanec - karta,
jesličky, paráda, šij to na bránu!
Bijte je, Pražáky, hanba, Sparta,
jaký saky-paky, sedm banánů!
Stojím v davech lidu, jsem fanda svýho klubu,
ten gól byl z offsidu, sudímu rozbít hubu!
Kde je ten autokar, propíchnout pláště!
Dobrý den, sportu zdar, fotbalu zvláště!

Ty mlč, ty páprdo, no, ty v tom baloňáku,
fotbalu rozumíš jak koza náklaďáku,
být tebou, tak nežvaním a rychle mažu,
jinak se neubráním a pak ti ukážu!
V neděli v půl desáté, kdo umí, ten umí,
hej, vrchní, co děláte, pět nula na rumy!
Já bych jim ukázal, na šachtu s nima ...
Dobrý den, sportu zdar, fotbal je príma!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Tennis is becoming an ever greater favorite with young people. Some join a tennis club, but most find a partner and go to one of the public courts than can be hired (prenajaté) by the hour for a very small payment indeed. The first player to win six games wins the set unless the score reaches five all, in which case one player must gain a lead of two games.
Finally there are sports and games that are often thought of as exclusively British (like cricket) and many annual sporting events that the British look forward to eagerly, such as famous university best race between Oxford and Cambridge, which is held on the Thames every spring.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Golf, which comes from Scotland, is played by striking a ball with a special golf club round a golf course with 18 holes, the object being get the ball into the holes with as few strokes as possible.